Barcode Information


Are you unsure? Need more barcode information? We are here to help.

Since 2007, we have been supplying barcodes, so we know a lot about barcodes. We’re happy to talk you through the process and help you avoid any common mistakes.

See below for possible answers to your barcode questions;

Please let us know if we have not provided the information or help you require.

Member of the International Barcodes Network.

The International Barcodes Network was formed to increase the availability of reseller barcodes and barcode information worldwide. Local licensees know their individual markets and supply reseller barcode numbers for a reasonable price in the client’s native language.

Some Barcode Customer Feedback

David, Thanks for that. Really appreciate it.!  David

Thank you very much for your quick reply. That helped me a lot.   Ken

I am very impressed by your business, not only that it is charitable, but that it is providing an efficient, affordable, personal service that exceeds alternative ‘big business’ services in so many ways! May you prosper in all ways that matter.   Sue

Thank you for the prompt response!   Joseph