Bennett St. Dairy

From Bondi to Broome, check your closest dealer in the link below 🤙

Bennett St Dairy is a Bondi-based cafe serving farm-to-plate breakfasts and lunches celebrating fresh, seasonal produce. It is also home to the famous Bennett St giant choc-chip cookie.

When Covid hit in 2020, to offload excess stock due to coronavirus, co-owner James Meek and his business partner Cliff Baskin put a post on Instagram saying they had a bunch of cookie dough for sale. One hundred kilos of dough sold in two hours; thus, their business model was transformed. This is no understatement, as they now sell a tonne of cookie dough weekly. You can now find them at Woolworths, Coles, Ampol and home delivery services. They even deliver in Sydney and Melbourne (FREE delivery for orders over $45).

Bennett St Dairy’s legendary Cookie Dough is a now an absolute cult favourite. Born out of their Bondi cafe and the iconic beach suburb’s obsession with their thick and gooey cookies the dough is fast becoming Australia’s favourite ‘bake at home’ treat.

Bennett St Dairy use EAN-13 barcodes from Barcodes Australia.
Bennett-St-Dairy-Salted-Caramel-White-Choc-back Bennett-St-Dairy-Salted-Caramel-White-Choc-front